Saturday, September 27, 2008

Getting Ready

Just over one week to go until we leave for China! We are counting the days until next Sunday and Lee is helping by cutting the paper chain links one day at a time. Okay, if we don't watch him carefully he gets a little ahead of himself.

Katie's dad stopped by last weekend for a short visit. We had a little trouble finding gas, but had no problems finding a mechanic. Dan brought some of Katie's furniture from her room as a little girl that we are repainting and getting ready for Francie's room. It's starting to look better, but there may be more paint on Katie, Lee, and me than on the wardrobe.


  1. These photos are great and we can't wait to see more. Lee is turning into quite the young gentleman!

    All the best to you.

    Courtney and Kristen

  2. We are counting down the days with you til you have your daughter in your arms!! We'll be thinking of you and we are so excited!!
    Jennifer, James and Taylor
