Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ready, Set, Go

Everything is packed, Francie's room is waiting for her, and we are ready to go. Lee has made some good choices this morning, so we'll stop and get some ice cream on the way to the airport. Thanks for all of the support from friends and family as we have prepared to leave. And many thanks to Jean Johnston for coordinating our emergency Sunday morning Notary Public visit... We'll let you know how the flights go.


  1. Praying you had an uneventful flight - in spite of Lee's excitement to be "bad" on the plane. :o) The boy cracks me up, what a mess. Safe travels and a happy uniting with your beautiful Francie. Can't wait to see and hear all about it.

  2. We were thinking about you last night as we went to sleep knowing you were on that long flight and said a little prayer. Can't wait to hear more.
