Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hair Bows

It's Katie, again. I just wanted to share this photo. Yesterday one of our friends and her little girls brought over a delicious dinner. Apparently her daughters have shared my concern that Francie won't wear bows. Using Taylor as a role model, Katie and Olivia convincingly pointed out that "bows are good." Now my daughter is not quite two and only speaks Shantouese (except for "Daddy") but she got the message! After they left, she brought me the bag of bows from cousin Anna and wanted each one in her hair. When Randy came home, she was still proudly wearing two matching pink bows. We'll see if it lasts!

Otherwise, life if good but jetlag is bad. Randy and the kids are sleeping now, but at 2:30 I'm wide awake. Lee seemed happy to return to school yesterday, and Francie is warming up to Ozzie. As long as she's being held, she's a happy girl. Unfortunately, I haven't mastered doing laundry one handed, but it can wait.


  1. That is the cutest picture ever!!! Love, Meg

  2. Hi Katie and Randy,

    Congratulations on getting Francie home safely. I loved all the pictures and stories, and am thrilled to pieces for you. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to get together in the near future. It has been too long! Can't wait to meet Francie and see Lee again.


  3. Yeah! I am so proud that Francie now is wearing a bow!

    Katie Kosobud

  4. How adorable! It was wonderful to meet you in Guanzhou. I enjoyed going to the safari with you. Francie looks so cute with the bows and it sounds like things are going smoothly. Congratulations on your return home!

  5. From that picture, we will now officially say that Francie is a member of our picture. The bigger the bow the better! Hair bows rock!!!!


    Kim Hodges

  6. Okay, I had a typo! I am very tired and my children are wearing me out! Ha! I meant to say that, because Francie is now a true bowhead, we will officially recognize her as a member of the family!!!

    I know you catch my drift!


    Kim Hodges
