Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Two More Nights in the Hotel

Since we are staying in Guangzhou for two weeks, we have exhausted the list of activities the guides provide for adoptive families. So we went back to the botanical gardens and plan to return to the safari tomorrow.

Francie and I were the only two who had been there before as Greg and my mom were in town last time and Dan and Frances are here now. It was a good morning out followed by a nap. Now Katie and Frances are off to shop while the rest of us are headed to the pool.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to post. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures and seeing the pictures. I especially love the ones of your family of 4!!!

  2. Following your adventures has been great fun. Hate to be dense but if you have 2 more nights in the hotel, when does that mean you arrive back in Davidson? Julie

  3. Sounds like you're having a great trip. Guangzhou can be tough for two weeks - my first adoption trip for my own Frances was spent in Guangzhou. (She's from Gaoming.) You might want to try a trip out of Guangzhou to Foshan - it's about an hour or so away. There's a beautiful Ancestors' temple there.

    Take care!

